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Monday, July 21, 2008

Using Reverse Cell Phone Search to Find and Detect the Person Behind Prank and Obscene Calls

Prank calls and obscene calls are not to be underestimated and ignored. Although your phone provider can to some extent help you, they can't unscramble the person behind the call. You can trace the cell phone number and even the location. Okay you may be thinking about what if the calls are from a public phone booth. Do you want to know what booth and the person running it? Come on, you can at least give the booth operator a call to keep an eye on anomalous calls. Now how do you know who operates which booth? And even if the call is made from a regular cell phone, don't you wish to know the culprit and catch him red handed?

This is where the reverse cell phone search comes in to the picture. Reverse cell phones records is a huge database maintained by the authorized body which maintains the personal information for each and every phone number in the US. Personal information such as name, address, sex, age etc... can be found there.

Now, I have a story to share with you, last month my coworker, Michelle received an obscene call and she thought it was a prank played by one of her coworker. She's a single mom with 3 kids and this call disturbed her so much. She went and contacted her phone provider and got the number and the location of the call, but unfortunately the number was a public booth in Arizona. After hearing this, I took her over to the reverse phone search records and she found out the personal details about the phone booth operator and immediately faxed him a message about the issue. A day later she got a reply from the operator with a detailed information regarding the call duration and also about the details of a call the pranker made after calling her. She took that second phone number and did a reverse search and found out it was the pranker's friend and she phoned him, warned him and finally got the pranker's phone number and once again did a reverse search to find out it was a person with a history of prank calls and with many complaints. She logged a complaint on him and now she's happy. She never received a call like that in the following days.

It is easy to ignore the call and let it go and forget, but you need to take action and at least like Michelle did, file a complaint against the caller and let the government take the necessary action. Today who knows the pranker might be in prison because of so many complain logged against him. So make your complaint count and take action against these calls.