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Monday, September 22, 2008

Prepaid Phone Cards - To Stay Connected

With the advent of prepaid phone cards communicating our feelings have become so easy. But one should be careful enough to find the best card which suits one's needs and pocket. Every body looks for a card best in quality combined with low rate for making local and international calls.

If we trace the origin of prepaid cards we have to go back to Italy, where there was an acute shortage of medal coins to operate pay phones. In 1975 a vending machine manufacturer had the idea of using something other than coins to operate pay phones. As a result in 1976 came the release of first phone card. Pay phone users would insert cards printed on thin card board with a magnetic strip.

Many companies through out Europe and Japan worked incessantly to improve the quality of phone cards since its invention. The first chip based 'smart cards' were introduced in France. By 1992 most of the major telecommunication companies had released their own brand of phone cards. With new marketing technology and diverse cards phone card industry prospered in leaps and bounds. By 2000 calling cards were available on the internet, post office, super market and gas stations.

The winds of innovation again blew in the industry with the release of the first prepaid cell phone in 2001. These phones function like calling cards. One can take one`s cell phone overseas with out incurring high roaming charges. One SIM Card is a prepaid international cell phone provider. This card can be recharged with an optimum calling plan. It provides the least expensive and easiest alternative to use international cell phone service available.

Pre paid service plans enable cell phone users to control their budget. Prepaid airtime recharge cards can be obtained by going online, college book stores or mass retailers. The advantage of pre paid card is that it gives the customer more flexibility.

Advanced international calling cards are also available these days as a solution for domestic and long distance communications. The same calling cad can be used for all international calling destinations. Wide variety of choices available makes the phone card selection complicated for the user. Calling card companies anticipate this problem and address them right on the main page of their web site. The best rate finder is the feature which is most suitable for providing detailed information on the best phone card to use internationally and domestically. Users should do their best to maximize savings and minimize connection problems. Pre paid phone cards by meeting the rigorous long distance requirements may allow the user to scale back their dependency on the land line phone altogether.

Prepaid phone cards are a boon for staying connected with family and friends during one`s holidays. A great supply of quality prepaid phone cards and long distance services are available these days. The most important thing is to find the right calling card and enjoy holidays. Wise choice should be done since all phone cards are not the same.

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