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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Person Search - to Locate a Person

Ok, you want to do a search to locate a person. There's someone you know but you only have their phone number or address. So the question you ask yourself is "How do I find this particular person?"

There are many ways to do a people search to find a person with the Internet technology we have today. In fact, it makes it so easy to find someone. If you're connected to the internet, just a few stroke on the keyboard and you got your information.

But the simple truth is that even with this technology, we find it difficult to get the results we want. It's not the technology that is the stumbling block, but that we are not using all the resources available.

Let me explain here. In the remainder of this article I'll talk about some tricks on how to do a person search to locate a person and getting the results you want with the technology that we have today.

First, write what you know on a piece of paper.

Why? So you will get an idea of where to start your search to find a person. Also, through writing things down, it may help you to recall something that you didn't remember before. Hence, you might remember an old phone number or an old address.

Secondly, write down what you have done in the person search and the results you got.

You do this to keep yourself organized. You don't want to do the same searches over and over again because you didn't remember doing it before or can't remember what the results were. You want to keep track what you have done.

Finally, to locate a person do searches in the White Pages.

Doing a people search in white pages is one of the important steps you should do when you want to find a person. There are many white pages that you can find on the internet where you can do a person search right on your computer. Many of these white pages carry up-to-date and comprehensive databases.

All you need to do is type in the information you have such as -- a name, phone number, address, or email address -- in the box(es) and click on the submit button. To hone in on the information that you want, put as much information in the boxes that you have such as city and state.

Just a reminder, when you do a person search to locate a person, write what you know on a piece of paper to help you to recall something that you didn't remember before. Write the results you found to keep track what you have done in your search. Also, use the white pages for your search.

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